Mindful Monday - October 18th

Hello and happy Monday!

As we continue the glorious slide into the fun and festive cooler seasons, let this be a time of warmth and cosiness. I hope you find some inspiration as you read on…

Is this the next coffee craze? A sweet, comforting coffee drink traditionally made from a kind of rice milk, cafe owners are looking to put their own stamp on it with different plant based milks. Keep an eye out for your local’s iteration! Sweeeeet.

Get your sweat on
Following on from last week’s hot tips for home rowing workouts, here’s the Independent’s guide to the best ergos for you to stash behind the sofa… or in the garage… or on the balcony… or the spare room… or at a mate’s place… or the office… I’m sure you’ll find a place for it.

The best tunes
Rolling Stone has updated its “Greatest Songs of All Time” list. You may not agree with all of them but I’m sure you’ll find some old faves – and perhaps some new ones that slipped you by. Nirvana, Marvin Gaye, Bob Dylan, Public Enemy, Missy Elliott anyone?

Mick Jagger incognito
Speaking of great musicians, here’s a snap of Mick at a pub and no-one noticed…

The coldest
Boffins have created the coldest temperature ever recorded: 38 trillionths of a degree warmer than absolute zero to be exact. Sure, it only lasted a few seconds, but it may enable cool (pun-intended) experiments to happen in the future, like messing around with superfluids (stuff that moves with no friction) and increasing our understanding of quantum mechanics.

Anyway, perhaps we’ll think again before complaining about it being “too cold”.

“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good,
I was actually being redirected to something better.”

– Steve Maraboli

Have a great week!

Big love,


Mindful Monday - October 25th


Mindful Monday - October 11th