Mindful Monday - April 4th

Good morning Mindful Mondayers!

That’s Q1 done and dusted – wow! 2022 is already one that will be remembered for global events. But what about for you, personally?

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
John Maxwell

Thanks for the timely reminder, Johnny.

How would you rate your first three months of 2022? Physically? Spiritually? Mentally? Financially? Socially?

Taking a few minutes to consider where your energy has been drawn to (or pulled to) in the past few months can give you a good sense of where your priorities really are right now. But (and it might be a BIG but) you can consciously redirect your efforts in a different direction if these past few months have slipped by without you really noticing.

There’s plenty of time to remap your goals, hopes and dreams for this year and redirect your energy. Perhaps Q1 has been a reminder of what you’d like to let go of or hopefully what you’d like more of in your life?

Coffee, pen, paper… you guessed it, start writing! Go on, gift yourself 10 minutes at least.

Reasons to start journalling
This wonderful guide to the many benefits and science behind journalling by Form Nutrition explains how putting your thoughts on paper can help with sleep, reduce anxiety and inspire altruism, to name but a few. A very useful five-minute read.

Powerful poo
A clever team in Oregon have developed a system to harness the power of waste (methane) from their wastewater treatment facilities and use it to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels for their local community. Seriously keeping it local. Nice one, guys.

Photo Ark
National Geographic have been busy. Ok, more busy than usual. They’ve been compiling a “Photo Ark” of more than 12,000 species. Check it out and support their work here.

Rock on guys, and have a wonderful second quarter!

Big love,


Easter Hours 2022


Mindful Monday - March 28th