Dr Joe Dispenza Progressive Workshop review

I was fortunate enough to visit Edinburgh a few weeks ago and, after catching up with Luke Brady for lunch, had the pleasure of spending the next two-and-a-half days at a conference with Dr Joe Dispenza and 2,000 other people on a journey of self-discovery – learning tools to become aware of the subconscious patterns of behaviours we all adopt which shape the personal reality of our day-to-day lives.

You’re probably aware the body responds and adapts to physical, chemical and emotional stresses in our lives, and that symptoms and a reduction in the expression of our health come about when we are no longer able to adapt to these stresses, which build up over our lifetime.

Dr Joe’s work primarily looks at the mental and emotional aspects, and how our internal chemistry and nervous system is wired from our past experiences. Events in our day-to-day lives trigger reflexes to how we think, act and feel subconsciously. And the subconscious mind runs around 95% of the programmes of how we think, act and feel.

The first step is becoming completely aware of this, and using breathwork and meditation as a tool to unlearn these patterns and wire new patterns and experiences in to the subconscious mind.

The work is simple, yet profound and deep, and he explains the science of change along with the extensive research he undertakes in his many seminars.

If you are feeling stuck, frustrated or that the thoughts, actions and feelings could probably be taken from your yesterday and superimposed on your tomorrow, I highly recommend checking out his books You Are The PlaceboBreaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Becoming Supernatural, which you’ll be able to find on Amazon or his website .

If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to discuss my experiences with you during your next adjustment or drop me an email here.


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